Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Phyllis Lawrence
Learning Specialist Teacher
Ext 4858
Michael LeBlanc
Bus Driver
Ext 4701
Jason Leon
Technology Integration Specialist
Ext 4849
Shelley Light
Accounts Payable/Tax Collector
Ext 3003
Theresa Lindsay
LPMHS Principal
Ext 4001
Buffy Maiorca
Fifth Grade English Teacher
(518) 523-3640 Ext 4537
Kassandra Mariano
Math Teacher
Ext 5259
Stacey Martin
First Grade Teacher
Ext 4817
Lisa Marvin
Learning Specialist Teacher
Ext 5221
Leanne Matos
Bus Driver
Ext 4701
Nora Matthews
First Grade Teacher
Ext 4822
David Mayberry
Director of Facilities
Patricia Mayberry
MSHS Attendance Secretary
Ext 4001
Emily McConvey
Learning Specialist Teacher
Ext 5222
Jodi McKinnon
French Teacher
Ext 5274
Cheryl Megliore
Teaching Assistant
Ext 5272
Karyssa Merrihew
Technology Integration Specialist
Ext 5202
Mandy Mihill
First Grade Teacher
Ext 4856
Michelle Minnoe
Teaching Assistant
(518) 523-2474 Ext 5254
Megann Monahan
Kindergarten Teacher
Ext 4801