Elementary School

United, Engaged, Empowered
Elementary School Page Menu
Schedule | Day Numbers, Clubs and Orgs | ES Nurses Office | After School Program | MY SCHOOL BUCKS | Library| Staff | Newsletter | Reading Counts | NY Safe Schools | Enrollment Form | Opening School Packet | Bomber Pride | School Tools | Anonymous Alerts | Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)(Bullying)| Student Handbook
The Lake Placid Elementary School educates approximately 260 students in a Kindergarten to Grade 5 setting. Our accomplished faculty of teachers are committed to providing the best educational opportunities at each and every grade level. We expect that our school will have a positive environment where everyone displays responsibility, respect, and cooperation. A community atmosphere exists through parental support and involvement, as well as community use of the building.
LPES initiatives include:
Nature Trails used for both academics and recreation
Farm to School programs including an active chicken coop, outdoor gardens and hydroponic tower gardens
TDI (Therapy Dogs International) certified reading dogs and classroom dogs
Student-led clubs such as the Leadership Club and Kindness Club as well as Mix-It-Up group
Over five area little libraries and a book shopping day to increase reading access for students
The 46er Reading Club enjoys 46 books to represent the 46 high peaks of the Adirondacks, once complete, students earn a day of celebration around town.
School Day Schedule
Student Day - 8:15am-2:50pm
7:25am - Early Drop Off
8:25am - Student Considered Late
1:30pm - Latest Guardian Can Call to Change Transportation
2:30pm - Latest Guardian Can Pick up Child in Office
2:50pm - Dismissal for Pick-Up Loop Students
2:55pm - Dismissal for Student Walkers and Bikers
3:00pm - Dismissal for Bus Students
3:25pm - Late Bus
Day# and Student Clubs and Orgs
There are a number of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular clubs and organizations. These meet 2:50-3:25 pm, during the tutorial/activity period. Parent permission is required for students to participate.
Band – grades 4-5
Book Club – grades 4-5
Chorus – grades 3-5
Environmental Club – grades 4-5
Intramural Sports Play Days – grades 4-5
Lego Club – grade 3
Newspaper – grades 4-5
School Store – grade 5 – open mornings only
Guitar Club
Kindness Club
Inside/Outside Club
4H Club
46er Reading Club
Licensed after school child care is available for students in grades K-5 who attend LPES. The Lake Placid After School Program is sponsored by the Lake Placid Child Care Committee, a non-profit organization
Contact: Cameron Scsigulinsky- cscsigulinsky@lakeplacidcsd.net
Elementary Nurse’s Office – Ashleigh Macey RN
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Seasonal Flu and H1N1 Information
Essex Co. Public Health
NYS Dept. of Health
Kids Health
Food Allergy
Here is a great 4-minute presentation and website on food allergy safety for children and their classmates. If you need more information about food allergies, let us know!